Sunday, July 15, 2007

What's in a name?

Hello! Welcome to my first blog.

My daughter has been bugging me for years to host my own blog. Owing to a very busy schedule, I have put off the idea in the back burner waiting for the day when I would have a surplus of time. But I knew that day would never come because one never really runs out of things to do. So I had to make time!

What is filotaz? It is merely a play with the words Pilosopong Tasyo. What makes it significant is that children of Filipino migrants in most parts of the English speaking world refer to themselves as filos. And this blog is about the Philippine experience.

In the next few weeks, I will strive to put into words ideas that have been festering in my mind over the past few months. Mostly, these will be critical observations of life in the city: traffic, politics, mass media, etc. I will strive to be fair. However, I must warn you, I tend to get riled and overly emotional when the topics cuts close to home.

Thank you for your time. Feel free to drop in any time and tell your friends about my blog.

BTW, thanks to my friend Beng O. for the Rizal image I used in the masthead. I did the artwork myself and would explain the elements in a later post.

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