Tuesday, August 7, 2007

And the idiocy continues…

I would have wanted to move on to other concerns but I cannot help but comment on the latest idiotic idea of “German” Bayani Fernando of the MMDA; now he wants to arm his traffic enforcers with bolos! Has he really sat down to consider the consequences of this proposal? Has he forgotten the dozens of incidents where these very enforcers have been shown (on TV) to have used their authority to intimidate, harass and extort from hapless pedestrians and motorists? Does he care?

Some time ago, I remember, the MMDA tried to arm its personnel. Fortunately, this was widely criticized and was officially abandoned (although you would invariably see MMDA personnel toting firearms in plain view of the public). As then, the agency cited personnel safety as the reason for arming their field operatives. Or is the chairman building his own peasant army?

Arming the traffic enforcers will not improve vehicular flow in the city, it will only add to the tension on the streets which could foreseeably result in higher incidents of road rage. If these enforcers are, indeed, under threat, it is the local police’s job to secure them; that’s why we have the police!

The only rationale I can sense from this idea is to enforce “collection of bribes”. Maybe, what we thought to be petty corruption extends all the way to the top. And I wouldn’t be surprised if it were so.

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