Thursday, November 25, 2010

PAGC - sisihan mo kaya ito?

The Presidential Anti-Graft Commission, the agency created by presidential decree in 2001 to go after public officials who were taking liberty with public funds, was abolished by President Aquino citing cost-cutting as the main reason. Apparently, the president doesn't mind losing hundreds of millions to graft and corruption if he can save a few hundred thousands in staff salaries, etc.

Cost-cutting is a noble concept, if only this was truly the government's policy.

If MalacaƱang is sincere in tightening its belt why then was an adjunct to the Office of the Press Secretary (OPS) - with two additional secretaries to boot - created. Note that these new positions have administrative staff of their own! And to add to that they have a "situation room" in the works; which from the description of the press secretary seems to be just another press room.

And it'll cost only P5M! Five million... the same amount the DOT threw away for the "Pilipinas Kay Ganda" fiasco. Must be a lucky number...

Pilipinas "Ang Ganda"

So the effort to "re-brand" the Philippines has apparently been shelved; and some unlucky (though, in my opinion, not undeserving) appointee had to take the fall yet again. This is turning to be a government of fall guys!

Why tamper with something that isn't broken anyway? There are so many more pressing matters which the reported P100M allocation could be used for. I thought we were trying to save money.

I was surprised to learn that Enteng Romano was behind the whole campaign; or so he says now. It's no surprise that it turned out to be a total fiasco. If you don't know who Enteng Romano is, he is the "self-labeled IT expert" who tried, quite unsuccessfully, to collect 1 million digital signatures in a petition to have President Estrada ousted circa 2001. I heard they were able to collect a mere 25,000! Later on, he was a convenor for the Black and White Movement which joined forces with the Hyatt 10 in yet another failed effort to oust a sitting president; this time, Gloria Arroyo.

Based on such lackluster background, it is indeed a surprise to learn that he earned a USec appointment. Well, so much for good governance.

PS: I heard that it cost P5M to develop and deploy the website. That's a little steep isn't it? Even if we add the expenses for the "formal unofficial soft launch" it won't even approach half of that. Nice walking away money?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

On hanging and pregnant chads...

The Makati Business Club (MBC), headed by yellow baller wristband wearers" along with some "civil society" groups lobbied (unsuccessfully) for a parallel manual count of votes cast during the May 10, 2010 Philippine national elections. What is the point of automation if one will still insist on a manual count? Isn't the point of automation to speed up the canvass and lessen the tensions (and opportunities for cheating) brought about by the long process characterized by manual counting? Or is this the intention?

Are they creating a scenario similar to the 2000 US presidential elections where each paper ballot in Florida was scrutinized and the intention of the voter questioned? Do they want a manual count so they can delay the proclamation of a winner long enough to organize a coup; or in Noynoy's own words "another People Power"? Can they not accept defeat?