Thursday, November 25, 2010

Pilipinas "Ang Ganda"

So the effort to "re-brand" the Philippines has apparently been shelved; and some unlucky (though, in my opinion, not undeserving) appointee had to take the fall yet again. This is turning to be a government of fall guys!

Why tamper with something that isn't broken anyway? There are so many more pressing matters which the reported P100M allocation could be used for. I thought we were trying to save money.

I was surprised to learn that Enteng Romano was behind the whole campaign; or so he says now. It's no surprise that it turned out to be a total fiasco. If you don't know who Enteng Romano is, he is the "self-labeled IT expert" who tried, quite unsuccessfully, to collect 1 million digital signatures in a petition to have President Estrada ousted circa 2001. I heard they were able to collect a mere 25,000! Later on, he was a convenor for the Black and White Movement which joined forces with the Hyatt 10 in yet another failed effort to oust a sitting president; this time, Gloria Arroyo.

Based on such lackluster background, it is indeed a surprise to learn that he earned a USec appointment. Well, so much for good governance.

PS: I heard that it cost P5M to develop and deploy the website. That's a little steep isn't it? Even if we add the expenses for the "formal unofficial soft launch" it won't even approach half of that. Nice walking away money?

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