Thursday, November 25, 2010

PAGC - sisihan mo kaya ito?

The Presidential Anti-Graft Commission, the agency created by presidential decree in 2001 to go after public officials who were taking liberty with public funds, was abolished by President Aquino citing cost-cutting as the main reason. Apparently, the president doesn't mind losing hundreds of millions to graft and corruption if he can save a few hundred thousands in staff salaries, etc.

Cost-cutting is a noble concept, if only this was truly the government's policy.

If MalacaƱang is sincere in tightening its belt why then was an adjunct to the Office of the Press Secretary (OPS) - with two additional secretaries to boot - created. Note that these new positions have administrative staff of their own! And to add to that they have a "situation room" in the works; which from the description of the press secretary seems to be just another press room.

And it'll cost only P5M! Five million... the same amount the DOT threw away for the "Pilipinas Kay Ganda" fiasco. Must be a lucky number...

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