Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I take cabs 'coz I have to

I was stuck in traffic with the cab meter running as hundreds of bikers took control of the roads yesterday (Sunday) morning in what was supposed to be their prelude to "Earth Day". And I mean, they took control of the roads, with motorcycle borne marshals from DOTC and ABS-CBN blocking the intersections as the bikers took their sweet time; pedaling as if they had leased the streets for the day!

Needless to say, not a few were irate (to put it kindly) at being forced to sit for minutes with engines idling, under the intense summer heat, while waiting for the tail end of what seemed to be an interminable parade. All those engines stewing and spewing their fumes; kinda defeats the purpose of "biking for clean air" - as their little flags proudly announced. Not to mention the emissions from dozens of motorbikes (notorious polluters), several cars, vans, SUVs and ambulances escorting the bikers. Among these bikers, after all are the metro's elite - the rich and the powerful - who would have to be driven back home after all this hoopla.

Organizers of this event should have been more considerate of the needs of the other road users. Their parade was stretched and broken at several points and these breaks should have been utilized to let crossing traffic through.

Although it was Sunday, people had places to go; as did I. And I was in a cab that did not move for more than ten minutes, meter running, waiting for these "eco-warriors" to underscore their point: "I bike for clean air."

Well, I don't bike. Unfortunately, I have no time for such frivolity. I can't be an eco-warrior because I have mouths to feed. And that's why I take cabs: I take cabs because I have to.

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