Tuesday, April 22, 2008

We need the NBN

I have purposely avoided discussing the NBN controversy, especially the self-proclaimed "truth crusader", Jun Lozada, because this topic serves only to divide. I just want it on the record that after all has been said, after the politicians have had their fill of publicity "in aid of re-election", after the media organizations have had their coffers to the brim from increased circulation/ratings, after the neighborhood rumor mongers and barbershop pundits have ran out of tales, that we seriously consider implementing the broadband project.

This project is vital to national development; especially in the light of our positioning ourselves as a techno-economy (similar to India). Even now, the dozen or so call center companies are pleading for an upgrade of data facilities.

We are in serious need of a digital backbone to service, not just the call centers' needs, but our own local needs. Try visiting a few of our government websites. Often they would be down due to server or bandwidth issues.

I hope when we finally get around to building our network, whether funded locally or from foreign loans, we won't have people like Mr. de Venecia and Lozada whose only interest in these undertakings is the commission (patong) they can squeeze from them.

PS: When they finally send to jail those who may have been guilty (if indeed there were kickbacks) I certainly pray these two aforementioned are incarcerated as well for as "brokers" and "moderators of greed" they are as guilty; if not more so.

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